Aminet 28
Aminet 28 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1998].iso
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1,282 lines
o boze - bless me
oaza - oasis
oba - both
obadva - both
obala - beach, brink, coast, shore, strand, wharf
obalska linija - coast line
obalski - littoral
obalski radnik - longshoreman
obamiranje - mortification
obamro - lethargic, torpid
obaranje - downfall
obasjati - beam
obasuti - overwhelm, pour
obavesten - conversant
obavestenje - information, intelligence, warning
obavestiti - acquaint, apprise, inform, notify, undeceive, warn
obaveza - disengagement, bond, commitment, covenant, debt, duty, engagement, incumbency, obligation, plight
obavezan - incumbent
obavezati - oblige
obavezati se - commit
obavezno - compulsorily
obavezujuci - obligatory
obaviti - envelop, gird, perform
obaviti se - entwine
obavljanje - transaction
obazriv - cautious, chary, circumspect, gingerly, regardful, vigilant
obazrivost - forethought
obecanje - assurance, conversion, parole, plight, promise
obecavati - betoken
obed - mesh
obedovati - dine
obelezje - hallmark
obelisk - obelisk
obelodaniti - disclose, disinter
oberucke - ambidexterity
obesen - suspended
obesenjak - scape-grace
obeshrabren - crestfallen, low spirited
obeshrabrenje - discouragement
obeshrabriti - demoralize, discourage, dishearten, unman
obesiti - sling, suspend
obesiti se - sag
obesna devojka - minx
obesna sala - prank
obest - wildness
obestan - mischievous, prankish, wicked
obezbediti - insure
obezbedjen od vode - waterproof
obezbedjenje - cover, safe-guard
obgrliti - enfold
obicaj - custom, fashion, habit, habitude, institution, manner, rule, way, wont
obican - average, mediocre, ordinary, quotidian, usual, wonted
obican govor - colloquialism
obican svet - commonalty
obici - circumvent, visit
obicno - generally, ordinarily
obijac - burglar
obijanje - burglary
obilan - abounding, abundant, copious, luxuriant, opulent, plantiful, plenteous, prodigal, superbundant, unstinted
obilazan - circuitous
obilazenje - detour
obilje - abundance, affluence, copiousness, luxuriance, luxury, muchness, ocean, opulence, peck, plenitude, plenty, profusion, repletion, riches, sea
obilna zetva - plenteous crop
obilno se gostiti - regale
obilnost - copiousness
obilovati - abound
obim - ambit, circumference, size, volume
obiman - ample
obimnost - amplitude
objasniti - explain, expound, illustrate
objasniti primerom - exemplify
objasnjavan - illustrative
objasnjavanje - clearance, illustration
objasnjavati - illustrate
objasnjenje - account, comment, explanation, interpretation
objava - bulletin, declaration, publication
objava smrti - obituary
objaviti - advertise, announce, bruit, denounce, divulge, enounce, herald
objavljivanje - annunciation
objektiv - objective case
objektivno - objectively
oblacan - clouded, cloudy, foggy
oblaciti se - invest
oblacnost - cloudliness
oblak - cloud
oblak prasine - smother
oblanda - wafer
oblast - area, department, field
oblicje - effigy
oblik - aspect, figure, form, make, mode, mould, shape, turn
oblik govora - idiom
obloga - compress
oblost - roundness
obloziti dascicama - veneer, wainscot
obloziti listicima - foliate
obloziti necim cvrstim - encrust
obmana - betrayal, delusion, fake, fallacy, falsification, fraud, guile, gull, hoax, illusion, imposition
obmanjiv - illusive, illusory
obmanjivac - charlatan
obmanjivanje - elusoriness, fraudulence, imposture, mystification
obmanjivati - befool, defraud, diddle, hocus
obmanjljiv - mistakable
obmanuti - deceive, hoodwink, impose, mislead, trump
obnavljati - recruit
obnova - reconstruction, renewal, renovation, restoration
obnoviti - reconstruct, renew, renovate, repair, restore
oboa muz. - hautboy
obogatiti - enrich
obojen - coloured
obojiti - dye, tinge, tint
obojiti tamno - umber
oboleti - sicken
obor - corral, fold
oboriti - abate, dump, subvert
obozavalac - swain
obozavanje - adorability, adoration, cult, deification, idolatry, worship
obozavaoc - votary
obozavatelj - adorer
obozavati - deify, revere, worshiper
obozavati kao idola - idolize
obozavati koga - lionize
obracanik - converter
obracanje - proselytism
obracun - audit, computation, liquidation, reckoning
obracunati - calculate, liquidate
obrada - make
obradiv - tillable
obrastao - shaggy
obrastao mahovinom - mossclad, mossgrown
obratan - reverse
obratiti - advert
obratiti se - accost
obratno - reversely, vice versa
obraz - cheek, jowl, visage
obrazac - copy, exemplar, ideal
obrazlozenje - motivation
obrazovanje - culture
obrazovati - train
obred - ceremony, rite, service
obredi - ceremonial
obredni - ritual
obrezivanje - circumcision, pruning
obrezivati - pare
obrijan - shaven
obrnut - inverse
obrnut nagore - upward
obrnuti se - veer
obrnuto - topsy-turvy
obrok - instalment, meal, portion, ration, repast
obrtanje - circuit, gyration
obrtati - gyrate
obruc - astragal, hoop, tire
obrusavanje aviona - dive
obruvavanje u planinama - landslide
obrva - brow, eye-brow
obuca - boot
obucar - shoe-maker
obucarski kalup - last
obuci - accoutre, apparel, clothe, don, equip, vesture
obuci se - robe, vest
obuci se kao kicos - dandify
obuhvatiti - comprehend, comprise, enlace
obuka - school, tuition
obustava - arrest, discontinuamce, stop, stoppage
obustaviti - intermit
obustavljajucia - suspensory
obuzdan - confined
obuzdanost - fit
obuzdati - quench, rein, restrain, subdue
obuzdavanje - constraint, repression, restraint
obuzdavanje samog sebe - self-restraint
obuzet - crazy
obuzeti - prepossess
obuzeti radoscu - enrapture
obveznica - debenture, obligation, promissory note
obzir - attention, head, sake, toleration
obziran - considerate
obzirnost - tact
obzirom na - seeing
obzirom na to - forasmuch as
obznaniti - announce
ocajan - despairing, desperate, despondent, frantic, hopeless
ocajanje - despair
ocajnik - desperado
ocaranost - enchantment
ocarati - enthral, fascinate
ocaravajuci - fascinating
ocaravanje - fascination
ocekivan - anticipatory, prospective
ocekivanje - expectancy, expectation, promise, prospect
ocekivati - await, expect, wait
ocena - mark
oceniti - appraise, appreciate, estimate, value
ocenjivac - appraiser
ocevidac - eye-witness, witness
ocevidan - apparent, clear, evident, indubitable, patent, uncontested, undisputed, unmistakable, visable
ocevidnost - evidence
ocevina - patrimony
ocigledan - self-evident
ocigledno - confessedly
ocinski - paternal
ocinski dom - paternal home
ocinski. ljubazan - fatherly
ocinstvo - fatherhood, paternity
ociscenje - lustration
ocistiti - cleanse, disembowel, purge, wash
ocit - obvious, patent
ocna jabucica - eye-ball
ocna supljina - orbit
ocni - ocular
ocni kapci - eaves
ocni lekar - oculist
ocnjak - eye-tooth
ocrneti - blacken
ocrniti - decry, vilify
ocrnjivac - blackener
ocrtati - contour, delineate, describle
ocuh - step-father
ocvrsnuo - callous
ocvrsnuti - anneal, inure
od - from, than, with
od cega - whereof
od cega se sagleda istina - eye-opener
od glave do pete - cap-a-pie
od koga - whereof
od postarine - post-free
od sad - henceforth
od skora - latterly
od tad - ever since, ever after
od testa - pasty
od tog dana - since that day
od zobi - oaten
odabiranje - choice
odabirati - garble, pick
odabran - chosen, eclectic, select
odabrana zbirka - anthology
odabrati - select
odahnuti - vent
odakle - whence, where, wherefrom
odan - attached, devoted, devout, loyal, true
odan duznosti - dutiful
odanost - fealty, adherence, attachment, devotion, devoutness, loyalty, submission
odapeti - shoot, unstring
odasiljanje - emission
odaslati - emit
odati - betray, reveal, tell
odatle - hence, thence
odavde - from hence, hence
odavno - long ago
odbacen - castaway
odbaciti - disallow, discard, quash, rebuff, repudiate, underbid
odbacivanje - rejection
odbijac - buffer
odbijanje - deduction, rebuff, reflection, refusal, rejection, repulsion
odbijati - deduct, deny, reflect, withstand
odbitak - repulse
odbiti - rebuff, reject, repel, spurn
odbiti dete od sise - wean
odbiti se - rebound
odbiti tuzbu - nonsuit
odbiti udarac - parry
odblesak - glint
odbor - board, committee
odbrambeni - defensive
odbrana - advocacy, assertion, behalf, defence, plea, pleading, vendication, ward
odcepiti - split
odeca - accoutrements, apparel, attire, canonicals, clothing, frock, garb, garment, habiliments, raiment, vest
odeliti - separate, sequester
odeliti s